info LSCS

Balik dari sekolah tadi, macam biasalah Naim akan ajak main dengan dia..Ditarik-tariknya tangan mama yang sebelah sedang memegang sudip untuk menggoreng ayam..dia ape kisah, mama tengah masak ke, tengah sibuk pun, mesti nak minta didukung bila nampak mama..Kebetulan pulak, disebabkan arini papa ada hal, jadi terpaksa amik naim lewat..mama yang balik lebih awal tengah masak semasa diorang sampai..Kalau mama yang berat 44kg ni, kadang-kadang memang tak terlarat nak ampu Naim yang hampir 11kg bila dia memanjat mama atau berkeras nak mintak didukung secara tiba-tiba..tulah yang terjadi awal tadi...sampai Naim pun hampir terjatuh sebab mama betul-betul tak ready bila dia mulat berkeras nak didukung dan tarik tangan mama..kudrat budak lelaki agaknya, sampai mama boleh kata hampir tersembam ke lantai tadi..kesannya, adui terasa sakit di perut....terus terasa takut parut semasa bersalinkan Naim aritu belum baik ke? Berapa lama nak sembuh dari luka ini? Sakit tadi tu normal ke biasa je? Macam-macam lah yang bermain di fikiran..Jadi, mama ada buat kajian sikit...Maklumat berikut menerangkan prosedur pembedahan yang terlibat dalam melaksanakan pembedahan Caesarean (atau LSCS).

                             Caesarean birth
The incisions. The first cut is made through the skin, horizontally across the top of the woman's bikini line just under the pubic hairline. The incision is usually about 15 to 20cm long. This incision exposes the woman's abdominal muscles, which are two long muscles that lie vertically from her pubic bone up to her breastbone.

 The abdominal muscles naturally meet in a line up the middle of the woman's belly, (these muscles normally separate slightly during the pregnancy). The abdominal muscles are gently pulled to each side of the woman's body by the surgeon. This action exposes the woman's bladder, which sits low, in front of the uterus. The bladder is moved down out of the way with an instrument called a 'retractor' and the lower segment of the uterus can then be visualised by the surgeon.

At this point a 10 to 12 cm incision is made horizontally, across the lower segment of the uterus (usually similar to the incision on the skin).  When this happens the amniotic fluid from around the baby gushes out.  The surgeon's assistant will use a small suction tube to collect this fluid as it flows out (this may be heard as a loud liquid 'sucking sound', similar to the sound you would hear as the bath tub empties).

Begitulah detik-detik kelahiran Naim....

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